Christmas Tree
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This article is about gameplay or items only available during certain Events.

The Christmas Tree is a large tree that spawns in Winter Mode. It appears to glow and drop loot when broken. There is only one Christmas Tree per map.

Location & Spawning

One Christmas Tree spawns per game and can be anywhere in the open map. The Christmas Tree appears prominently on the minimap and glows as well, making it hard to miss.

Loot & More

The Christmas Tree drops decent loot and takes many hits to destroy.


  • The Christmas Tree is very large and can be used as a cover from enemies. Moreover, it has a lot of health buying you more time.
  • You can hide under the tree and wait for enemies to come to you. This is a good strategy if you have a lot of health and a good CQC weapon such as a Flues or Model 37.
  • Be prepared for enemies to be camping the Christmas Tree.
  • Try to keep your distance from the Christmas Tree to avoid getting jumped by a shotgun user.
  • If an enemy is hiding behind the Christmas Tree, it is not a good idea to try and destroy it, especially if it is at full health. You'll just be wasting your ammo. Instead, try to chase them out of their cover.
    • If you do decide to try and destroy the Christmas Tree make sure to have a weapon with a lot of ammo and a good obstacle multiplier such as the Lewis Gun or Stoner 63.


  • The Christmas Tree was designed by Bear.


Christmas Tree


Rotation Mode
Drops Loot

Christmas Tree