Death Ray Edit on GitHub
This article is about a developer weapon. It is not usually obtainable.
The Death Ray is a dev-only weapon initially added in the v0.4.0 update, and majorly reworked in the v0.8.0 update. Capable of eliminating almost any object instantly, it also possesses the ability to sail right through cover and players without losing any damage or velocity, making it extremely dangerous.
- The Death Ray's cover-bypassing capabilities can be a double-edged sword if used incorrectly; make sure not to destroy whatever you're hiding behind when firing the weapon.
- The Death Ray has the fastest projectile in the game by far. It thus excels at long range, because while your time-to-impact is virtually unchanged, your opponent's is vastly increased—this means that while you can perhaps react to their projectile, they have almost no chance of being able to react to yours.
- Despite its power, it is still a single-shot weapon firing every 1.4 seconds.
- The Death Ray is a hopeless matchup if you do not have a Death Ray because it is impossible to stall against it. It completely bypasses the cover and has no range preference.
- Your best hope for stalling out a Death Ray is to try and make its user miss, retaliating against them while they reload.
As a dev-only weapon, the Death Ray can only be obtained by developers, or on the debug and arena maps.
- This weapon was completely reworked in the v0.8.0 update.
- Previously, it was a weapon that fired 20 projectiles per shot for 200 damage per shot every 60ms (for 3333.333 DPS), had infinite ammo, 20° spread, no penetration, and a range comparable to the Glock 19.
- That iteration of the Death Ray was weaker since it was possible to stall against it, and it was possible to outrange it.
- Previously, it was a weapon that fired 20 projectiles per shot for 200 damage per shot every 60ms (for 3333.333 DPS), had infinite ammo, 20° spread, no penetration, and a range comparable to the Glock 19.
- It is the first developer weapon (both in its original form and its rework, since the next developer weapon, the Revitalizer was added in v0.9.0)
- Its switch sound contains an easter egg.
- Like other developer weapons, its kill icon contains colors and gradients.
- v0.22.2
- Updated world image
- v0.12.3
- Moving spread decreased to 0.1° (from 0.25°)
- v0.12.1
- Speed penalty increased to 8% (from 4%)
- Length decreased to 8.7 (from 9.7)
- Bullet velocity increased to 4 (from 1)
- Casing spawn moved to (4.5, 0.6) (from (0, 0))
- v0.11.0
- Set a custom tracer image
- Bullet velocity increased to 1 (from 0.5)
- Added casing particles
- Tracer length set to 10
- v0.10.0
- Length decreased to 9.7 (from 11)
- Muzzle flash disabled
- Damage reduced to 800 (from Infinity)
- Tracer opacity reset
- Tracer length reset
- v0.9.0
- Drop-on-death enabled
- Killstreak enabled
- Hand positions swapped
- Image x-offset decreased to 90 (from 100)
- Damage increased to Infinity (from 300)
- v0.8.0
- Magazine capacity decreased to 1 (from Infinity)
- Ammo type set to Power Cell
- Drop-on-death disabled
- Infinite ammo disabled
- Reload duration increased to 1.4s (from 100ms)
- Firing delay decreased to 40ms (from 60ms)
- Switch delay increased to 500ms (from 0ms)
- Move speed penalty set to 8%
- Firing speed penalty increased to 20% (from 0%)
- Recoil duration increased to 100ms (from 0ms)
- Standing spread set to 0.15°
- Moving spread decreased to 0.25° (from 20°)
- Projectile count decreased to 1 (from 20)
- Quickswitch enabled
- Damage increased to 300 (from 10)
- Obstacle damage multiplier increased to 2 (from 1)
- Bullet velocity increased to 0.5 (from 0.35)
- Range increased to 400 (from 128)
- Player penetration enabled
- Obstacle penetration enabled
- Tracer starting opacity set to 100%
- Tracer ending opacity set to 50%
- Tracer length set to 2
- v0.6.0
- Magazine capacity increased to Infinity (from 255)
- Infinite ammo enabled.
- v0.5.0
- Ammo spawned with gun set to 0
- Ammo type set to 7.62mm
- Magazine capacity decreased to 255 (from Infinity)
- Reload time set to 100ms
- v0.4.0
- Silently added
Death Ray
Fire Mode
Ammo Type
1 in 1.4s
Firing Delay
Switch Delay
Speed Multiplier
Recoil Speed Multiplier
Recoil Duration
Move Spread
0.1° (-0.05°)
Bullet Speed
Obstacle Damage
Max. DPS
Max. Obstacle DPS
Advanced Stats
Internal ID