Negev SF
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The IWI Negev NG-5, known in-game as the Negev is a LMG utilizing the 5.56mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.17.0 "Just the Two of Us" update on March 31st, 2024. The Negev features a high fire rate and DPS combined with a large magazine capacity.


The Negev started development in 1985 to replace the aging Galil ARM. The Negev started service with the Israel defense forces in 1997 and is still in service to this day. Many variants have been developed, in both 7.62x51mm and 5.56x45mm NATO. It has become very well known due to its incredible reliability, firepower, and penetration capabilities.



  • Don't simply spam the Negev whenever you can; it burns through ammo extremely quickly.
  • Reload whenever you're not in combat.
    • Not only will this give you a full magazine to work with, it also frees up more space in your pack for ammunition.
    • The Negev has the longest reload of any weapon, so reload out of combat and avoid reloading in combat if possible.
    • If you find a Negev but have no backpack or a Level 1 backpack, reload multiple times to carry as much ammo as possible, you'll need it.
  • Because it is less accurate and has a slightly higher DPS, the Negev is more suited to close to mid-range combat than its competitor, the MG5.
  • If your enemy is far away, such as 8x range, move closer so you can kill them more easily and not waste ammo.
  • The Negev has a 2x obstacle multiplier, meaning it shreds through obstacles. If an opponent hides behind a destructible obstacle, don't hesitate to plow right through it.
  • Because the Negev is so rare, it can be used to bait players by leaving it on the ground.
    • Be wary of a Negev on the ground, as it might be bait
  • Don't openly hold the Negev when not in combat. It has a large slowdown and makes you a prime target to others due to the distinctive world image.


  • At longer ranges, the MG5 is a direct counter to the Negev due to its higher accuracy.
    • It can also be used at other ranges, as the DPS isn't much less than the Negev.
  • If you see an enemy reloading, take advantage of their vulnerability by rushing them with a shotgun or other high-DPS weapon.
  • Make sure to find indestructible cover such as a Buildings, Container, or Oil Tank.
    • If you see or hear shots, try not to stay out in the open and find cover.
  • Use lots of adrenaline and strafe the opponent to dodge bullets.
    • This is effective at wasting entire magazines and taking little damage if the opponent is fairly unskilled.
  • Another high-DPS weapon, such as MCX Spear or a Mini-14 can catch a Negev user off-guard if they are reloading or out in the open.
  • Waste your opponents' ammunition by dodging and hiding behind covers. Since the Negev burns through ammo, you may be able to force them to run low or even out altogether.


Finding a Negev is no easy task. The most common way to find a Negev is through a Gold Airdrop or by breaking a Flint Stone. It can also spawn, rarely, as world loot.


  • The Negev is one of two guns (the other being the MG5) in Suroi that utilizes a belt feed system.
  • The variant in Suroi was formerly known as the "Negev NG-5", though now it is just "Negev".
    • This variant has been produced since 2012 and features many improvements such as a Picatinny rail.


  • v0.22.0
    • Updated world image
    • Length increased to 7.15 (from 8.1)
    • Left fist moved to (109, -18) (from (121, -18))
    • Image moved to (80, -3.6) (from (90, 2))
    • Casing particle spawn moved to (4, 0.6) (from (4.2, 0.6))
    • M13 Link particle spawn moved to (4.2, 0.6) (from (4.4, 0.6))
  • v0.17.0
    • Added

Negev SF

Fire Mode
Ammo Type
Ammo icon for 556mm
200 in 5.9s
Firing Delay
Switch Delay
Speed Multiplier
Recoil Speed Multiplier
Recoil Duration
Move Spread
8° (+3.00°)


Bullet Speed
Obstacle Damage
Max. DPS
Max. Obstacle DPS





Advanced Stats

Internal ID

Negev SF