
C-4, known in-game as C4, is an explosive Throwable added in the v0.19.0 "High Caliber Negotiations" update on September 22nd, 2024. It deals high explosive damage, has no shrapnel, and is remotely activated by the player who placed it.


C-4 is a plastic explosive using the RDX compound as the main explosive agent. It is part of the Composition C family of plastic explosives and was developed as a more powerful and safe version of C-3. C-4 has been produced in colors ranging from a dirty white to an light brown color and has the consistency of modeling clay. One of the two main strengths of C-4 is its stability. It cannot be set off from being lit on fire, being shot, being microwaved, being dropped onto a hard surface, only from the shockwave of a detonator device. The other main strength is that it easy to create shaped charges due to the clay-like consistency and this allows it to cut through materials easier.



  • To place C4, right click with it in hand. To trigger it, you can use the default keybind "Z" to detonate.
    • The C4 will make a "beep" and then blow up right after.
  • Good areas to place C4 are under the Detector in the Headquarters, behind doors, and inside Bushes.
    • Any high-traffic area will do, and you can try and put loot around the C4 to make it harder to see.
  • You can use high-value loot to attract unsuspecting players by placing the bait near a bush and the C4 inside the bush. When they walk up to it, activate the C4 and watch them get blown sky-high!
  • C4 takes no time to arm, so you can suicide bomb players by getting close to them, tossing two down, and activated them. Just keep in mind this will probably kill you both, even in team modes.
  • Early game, one piece of C4 is usually enough to kill/knock out players, but consider using two pieces later in the game as players get better armor, as they will be able to survive one piece.
  • Smoke grenades can help mask C4 if you plan to place a bunch down to try and carpet bomb some players.
  • Don't destroy your teammates' C4; it's rude.


  • Shooting or blowing up C4 with an explosion will destroy it.
    • You can also use a melee weapon or your Fists to break the C4.
    • Any C4s placed by a player disappear when that player dies.
  • Be wary of potential ambushes sites; if you suspect there is C4, just shoot a couple rounds from your gun to destroy it.


C4 is most easily obtained as an uncommon drop from Grenade Crates.


  • When C4 activates, the texture updates to show simulate a red LED being activated.



Image of throwable
Speed Multiplier
Cook Speed Multiplier
Maximum Throwing Distance
Fuse Time
0 ms
Cook Time
0 ms
Throw Time
0 ms


Explosion Name
Internal ID
Shrapnel Count
Minimum Radius
Maximum Radius
Shrapnel Damage
Shrapnel Speed
Shrapnel Range

Advanced Statistics

Internal ID
