Oil Tanker
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The Oil Tanker is a sub-building of the Port. It was added in the v0.15.0 "Pulling the Pin" update on January 14, 2024. It features a big cargo area, which contains three Large Oil Tanks and a control room, in which you can find the Briefcase upon opening the door using the control panel.

Location & Spawning

The Oil Tanker can be found spawning offshore of the Port on the edge of the map in 50% of games.


Cargo area

The ship's main and biggest area, the cargo area, is found from one end of the ship and almost to the other end, ending in the control center. In the cargo area, you can find three large oil tanks with three Aegis Crates, a fire hatchet case, two barrels and a Super Barrel.

Control room

The control room features a large Drawer, a wide window, and a set of control panels. The control panel nearest to the entrance can be interacted with to open the Vault Door to the left, which contains a Briefcase, two Regular Crates the Ship Carrier skin and a barrel


  • When you enter the Oil Tanker, grab a weapon and quickly head to the control room to check if the weapon inside the Briefcase has been taken.
    • If the briefcase has been looted, be wary and attempt to avoid the looter.
    • Use a CQC (Close Quarters Combat) weapon while aboard the oil tanker, as the oil tanker is a rather cramped space.
  • Use the oil tanks as cover when fighting dangerous enemies.
  • The large Oil tanks are reflective, and can be used to ricochet bullets at the enemy player.
  • The Control panels in the control room can be shot and blown up through the window, making it an effective method/way to kill unsuspecting players.
    • If the control panel nearest to the doorway is blown up, then the vault will become inaccessible, so use this tip as a double-edged sword.


  • Although it seems huge, the Oil Tanker is actually quite small compared to versions in real life.


Oil Tanker




Parent Buildings


Walls To Destroy
∞ (Indestructible)

Advanced Stats

Internal ID

Oil Tanker