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Crates are a type of obstacle that spawns around the map randomly. They come in three distinct variants with different loot. Regular crates were first added to the game in the v0.1.0 "We're back, baby" update on May 20th, 2023. Later, update v0.5.0 "Locked & Loaded" brought more crate variants. The Frozen Crate was added in the v0.22.0 "Cold Steel" update on December 11th, 2024.

Location and Spawning

Crates are generally very common and spawn frequently out in the open. Crates and their variants can also be found inside some buildings.

The Regular Crate is the most common type of crate. Grenade Crates are fairly common, but less common compared to Regular Crates. The AEGIS and Flint crates are rarer. Only five AEGIS crates and five Flint crates spawn per map outside of structures. A single melee crate always spawns per map.

Regular Crates and the Melee Crate are visible on the minimap, but AEGIS and Flint crates are not.

The Frozen Crate is a special variant that only spawns on the Winter Map, where it is uncommon. Ten of them spawn on the map. Similar to Flint and AEGIS crates, they are not visible on the minimap.

Loot & More

All crates drop some sort of loot. The Regular Crate drops the lowest quality loot, while the AEGIS and Flint crates drop better loot. Grenade Crates always drop 3-4 pairs of one of the two grenade types. Melee crates always drop two melee weapons per crate. It can drop the Baseball Bat, K-bar or rarely the Sickle. The Baseball Bat is the most common drop.

The Frozen Crate has a high chance to drop an airdrop tier gun as well as a variety of other useful items. See the loot table for more information. Additionally, the Frozen crate is a frozen obstacle and has very high health, which means that most melee weapons deal x0.01 damage to it with a few exceptions.


  • Regular Crates are very common, so you can usually find one if you need loot.

  • Try to go for the AEGIS and Flint crates first, as they almost always drop better loot.

    • However, AEGIS and Flint crates do not reveal their locations on the map.
  • Crates can provide limited cover in a pinch, however, they are easily destroyed with any type of weapon.

  • The Frozen Crate should only be broken using guns or melee weapons that have an ice multiplier that isn't 0.01. These melees include the Ice Pick, the Maul, and the Fire Hatchet.

    • If you don't have a melee weapon that doesn't have an ice multiplier of 0.01, you can use guns to break the Frozen Crate. LMGs and ARs such as the Lewis Gun and the AK-47 are good options due to their increased obstacle damage.
    • Using Fists to break the Frozen Crate takes approximately 20 minutes.


  • Crates were amongst the first obstacles added to the game.


  • v0.22.0
    • Added the Frozen Crate
  • v0.15.0
    • Added the Grenade Crate
  • v0.5.0
    • Added the AEGIS, Flint and Melee Crates
  • v0.4.0
    • Regular Crates now drop loot
  • v0.1.0
    • Added the Regular Crate, currently no loot table





Rotation Mode
Drops Loot
Hidden on Map
