Plumpkin Bunker
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The Plumpkin Bunker is a large bunker added alongside the Harvest Map in the v0.20.0 "Open Season" update on October 27th, 2024. It has a multitude of different rooms, two puzzles, and is the only place where the Plumpkin can be found.

Location & Spawning

One Plumpkin Bunker attempts to spawn on the Harvest Map in a random position and rotation.


Main Entrance

The Main Entrance spawns in the center of a pumpkin patch. It contains two Regular Crates, as well as an Ammo Crate, Barrel, Box and a Grenade Crate. A sliding metal door leads down to the bunker itself.

The entrance area of the bunker has no loot, only two Metal Detectors. Two sliding metal doors behind the Metal Detectors lead to the Foyer, while a blue sliding metal door on the side grants access to the Security Office.

Security Office

The only way to access the Security Office is by activating the button located in the center of the Lobby. When pressed, it will unlock the blue metal sliding doors.

The storage side of the Security Office contains a Gun Locker flanked by two Metal Shelves. Opposite that are a Gun Case, Barrel, and Ammo Crate.

Next to the storage area is a miniature vault that always contains a Trash Can, two Boxes, Regular Crate, and a Gun Mount that always spawns a Dual RSh-12.

Near the Main Entrance there is a Flint Crate, Grenade Crate, Small Control Panel, Potted Plant, Desk, and Office Chair.


Just after the Main Entrance is the Foyer, containing a Trash Can, Water Cooler, and 3 Potted Plants. Despite not having much loot, it acts as a thoroughfare for the rest of the bunker.


The Lobby is located adjacent to the Foyer. The main feature of the Lobby is the Square Desk in the middle, allowing access to the Security Office. It also contains a Water Cooler, Large Drawer, Small Drawer, Filing Cabinet, Small Couch, and three Bookshelves. Two sliding Glass Doors lead to the Residential Quarters.

Residential Quarters

The Residential Quarters, also called the Living Quarters, is a large space sandwiched between the Lobby and Emergency Exit. Inside is a TV above a Large Drawer as well as a Small Drawer, Bookshelf, two Metal Shelves, Water Cooler, Potted Plant, Small Table, Couch, and five Bunk Beds. Directly next to the Residential Quarters is the Bathrooms.

Emergency Exit

In between the Residential Quarters and the Laboratory is the Emergency Exit, one of the three entrances to the bunker. The red sliding metal door to the Laboratory is sealed until the button in the Control Room is activated. In the entrance area of the Emergency Exit, there is one each of a Bookshelf, Regular Crate, and Box. The room next to it contains a Metal Shelf, Barrel, Fire Hatchet Case, and two Ammo Crates. The Fire Hatchet that can be found here is very useful for breaking the large number of Ammo Crates found in the bunker.


The Bathrooms can be accessed either through the Residential Quarters or Lobby. It contains a Potted Plant, two Toilets, and two Sinks.


The Warehouse is the largest space within the Plumpkin Bunker. It is accessible through the Generator Room, Foyer, and the hallway leading to the hidden entrance under a Hay Shed. The Warehouse a very loot dense area, making it perfect for outfitting an entire squad early game to take on the rest of the bunker. Loot can be found in a Flint Crate, Grenade Crate, Gun Case, Melee Crate, Grenade Box, two Dumpsters, three Regular Crates, four Ammo Crates, and five Boxes. Other obstacles in the Warehouse include a Forklift, Super Barrel, two Tear Gas Crates, and three Barrels. Different sections of the Warehouse are separated using Fences.

Generator Room

In between the Utility Hallway and the Warehouse is the Generator Room. It contains a minor amount of loot, one each of a Flint Crate, Grenade Crate, Grenade Box, Box, and Metal Shelf. Additional obstacles include a Super Barrel, Barrel, Generator, Primary Generator, and Recorder. The Primary Generator provides power to the bunker, while the Generator is used as backup for auxiliary systems. The Generator Room is the site of a secret puzzle.

Warning! This is a spoiler for: Generator Room Puzzle Solution

First, you must obtain a Gas Can. Because the Port does not spawn on the Harvest Map, the only way to obtain one is to use a melee weapon to destroy the Mini Plumpkin in the Laboratory, and get lucky and get the Gas Can. Then, take the Gas Can and use it on the Generator. This will activate the Recorder and play a secret audio message.

NOTE: As of v0.20.0 there is currently no lore recording added and it plays static. A recording will be added in the future.

Utility Hallway

In the corner of the Plumpkin Bunker is the Utility Hallway. It lacks much loot, having only a single Regular Crate, a Ammo Crate, and a Gun Locker. There is also a Barrel next to the Ammo Crate and a Pipe in the corner. The Utility Hallway primarily servers as an thoroughfare between the Laboratory, Generator Room, and Server Room.

Server Room

The Server Room is the first area encountered if you enter the Plumpkin Bunker through the hidden entrance under a Hay Shed. It contains no loot, only two Server Racks.

Control Room

Located in the central core of the Plumpkin Bunker, the Control Room can only be accessed through the Foyer before the Laboratory is unlocked. Loot found in the Control Room includes a Bookshelf, two Potted Plants, and five Desks. Additional obstacles include a Water Cooler and five Office Chairs. A File Cart in the center of the room provides a good spot for cover. The main attraction of the control room is not its loot, but the button at the front desk that unlocks the Laboratory.


The main attraction of the Plumpkin Bunker is the Laboratory. It can only be accessed when the button inside the Control Room is activated. Loot is sparse, with only a Regular Crate and Gun Case. Other obstacles include the Control Panel, two Small Control Panels, and Chemical Vats. The Laboratory features four enclosures at its back end. The first chamber contains two Pumpkins and the Pumpkin Pie skin. The second contains three Baby Plumpkins, which can swap your weapons/melee/throwable. In the third chamber, a fully grown Plumpkin always drops three Perks. The first three chambers are protected by Bulletproof Windows with 1000 health. The fourth chamber contains a Diseased Plumpkin and is normally inaccessible as it protected by an indestructible Windowed Vault Door. However, during Halloween, the chamber is broken open, allowing access to the Diseased Plumpkin and the Halloween Perks it drops.


  • The Metal Detectors can be very useful for letting you know when players are entering/exiting through the main entrance.
  • Consider getting a weapon before entering the Plumpkin Bunker, or at least looking for one before tackling the Laboratory. An opponent can come in and kill you easily if you rush into the Laboratory unarmed, and the Laboratory has scarce weapon loot.
    • The vault in the Security Office is a good option to rush for first, as the RSh-12 is a powerful weapon, especially in dual form.
  • You can break the Fences in the Warehouse for more pathing options.
  • If you have an armor-piercing melee weapon, the Plumpkin Bunker can be an excellent source of rarer ammunition such as .50 Cal and .338 Lapua Magnum. This is due to the high number of Ammo Crates in the bunker.


  • The Plumpkin Bunker is the largest bunker in Suroi.
  • The Primary Generator inside the Generator Room is not actually an obstacle, it is just part of the floor image.
    • This is true of the Server Racks in the Server Room and the Chemical Vats in the Laboratory as well.


Plumpkin Bunker




Walls To Destroy
∞ (Indestructible)

Advanced Stats

Internal ID

Plumpkin Bunker