Sea Traffic Control
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The Sea Traffic Control is a building added in the v0.16.0 update "A Sailor's Dream" on February 26th, 2024.

Location & Spawning

The Sea Traffic Control structure is located in every game on the shore of the map in a random location.


The entrance to the sea traffic control is guarded by three Sandbags, two Barrels, and a Crate.


Inside, there will be a Table with an Office Chair, two Life Preservers, an Aegis Crate, a Large Drawer, Control Panels with two Office Chairs, and a Gun Case.

Loot & More

A Radio spawns on the floor in the interior of every Sea Traffic Control. It can be used to call an Airdrop.


  • The Radio should be set off as soon as you get hold of it so you can get the Airdrop quicker.
  • This will likely draw the attention of nearby players, as Airdrops give off a ping sound when they are deployed on the map.
    • Be prepared to fight off other players trying to steal the Airdrop.
    • You can break the gun case in the Interior and use the gun provided to fight players.
    • The Sandbags can help with this as they provide indestructible cover.
  • If you spawn late in the game, going for this structure isn't recommended, as it will likely be looted prior to your visit, especially in crowded lobbies.
  • If you see a player looting the Interior, throw several Frag Grenades to chase your opponent out, then shoot them down using your guns.
    • Alternatively, you can also shoot the control panels inside the Interior if you don't have grenades.


Sea Traffic Control




Walls To Destroy
∞ (Indestructible)

Advanced Stats

Internal ID

Sea Traffic Control