Micro Uzi Edit on GitHub
The IWI Micro Uzi, known in-game as the Micro Uzi is a SMG utilizing 9mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.5.0 "Locked & Loaded" update on June 24th, 2023. The Micro Uzi features high DPS, but low accuracy and range.
The original Uzi is an open-bolt, blowback-operated design, very similar to the CZ Sa 23 series of SMGs. The Uzi is made of stamped sheet metal, which keeps costs down and results in fewer moving parts for easier and less frequent maintenance. The pistol grip houses the magazine, making it easier to reload in dark or other low visibility conditions. The Uzi was designed in the 1940s by Major Uziel "Uzi" Gal, and accepted into military use in 1954. It has since been exported to many different countries, and over 10 million of it and its variants exist worldwide. The Micro Uzi is an extremely scaled down version of the original Uzi, sacrificing some muzzle velocity but having a much faster cyclic rate.
- The Micro Uzi is one of the best guns for close-range combat, other than shotguns.
- The high spread, while decreasing its overall effectiveness, make it a great weapon for beginners to gain better accuracy.
- The high spread can actually be useful in confined spaces such as Buildings.
- It also makes it impossible for an opponent to avoid the bullets if you fire at them while they are in a Container.
- Pair the Micro Uzi with a more accurate gun such as DMR or an assault rifle, to cover long range engagements that the Micro Uzi can't reach.
- Always pick up as much 9mm ammunition as you can, as the Micro Uzi burns through ammo extremely quickly.
- If you are trying to pick off an enemy that is running away, try standing still. The Micro Uzi is over twice as accurate when standing still compared to moving.
- Hide behind cover such as Rocks, or indestructible cover, like Oil Tanks. This will waste the Micro Uzi user's ammo, and if they don't have a good supply, they might completely run out.
- Try peeking from cover with a weapon like a burst-fire gun or a shotgun while they are reloading.
- Stay at medium or long range and use a more accurate weapon such as a DMR or assault rifle to take out your opponent. Avoid close-range encounters with the Micro Uzi, especially if you have lower tier armor.
- The MP 40 also works well for this, as it is very accurate.
- Shotguns like the Flues can easily overpower the Micro Uzi at close-range.
- Make sure to quickswitch and avoid the recoil from shotguns, as this will make you a sitting duck for the Micro Uzi user.
The Micro Uzi is a very common gun, and can be found from Regular Crates, as ground loot, and readily found from AEGIS and Flint Crates.
- The Micro Uzi was the second SMG to be added to the game, after the SAF-200.
- The Micro Uzi has the second highest DPS of any 9mm weapon in Suroi, and the lowest damage per bullet (of any 9mm weapon).
- v0.22.2
- Updated world image
- Length decreased to 5.07 (from 5.8)
- Left fist moved to (70, -3) (from (85, -6))
- v0.12.0
- Length increased to 5.8 (from 5)
- Left fist moved to (85, -6) (from (40, 0))
- Left fist z-index reset
- Image x-offset increased to 80 (from 70)
- v0.11.0
- World image updated
- Length decreased to 5 (from 6.8)
- Left fist moved to (40, 0) (from (70, 4))
- Right fist x-offset decreased to 40 (from 65)
- Left fist z-index set to 4
- Right fist z-index set to 4
- Damage decreased to 7.75 (from 9)
- Image x-offset decreased to 70 (from 88)
- v0.10.0
- Length increased to 6.8 (from 6)
- Added casing particles
- v0.9.0
- Hand positions swapped
- Standing spread increased to 9° (from 8°)
- Moving spread increased to 19° (from 12°)
- Move speed penalty increased to 8% (from 2%)
- Range decreased to 85 (from 86)
- Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1 (from 1.3)
- v0.8.0
- Damage increased to 9 (from 7)
- Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1.3 (from 2)
- Bullet speed decreased to 0.16 (from 0.35)
- Range increased to 86 (from 64)
- Reload time decreased to 1.75s (from 2s)
- Move speed penalty set to 2%
- Fire delay decreased to 40ms (from 50ms)
- Standing spread set to 8°
- Moving spread increased to 12° (from 9°)
- v0.7.0
- Damage increased to 7 (from 4)
- v0.5.0
- Added