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The FAMAE SAF-200, known in-game as the SAF-200, is a burst-fire SMG utilizing 9mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.4.0 "Supplies received" update on June 17th, 2023. It has decent DPS, good damage per bullet, and a common ammo.


The original SAF was a modified version of the SIG SG 540 assault rifle, which was produced under license in Chile in the 1980s. FAMAE shortened the gun and replaced the rotating bolt with a simpler blowback bolt to improve reliability, as well as added a bolt hold-open catch that locks the slide back after the final round is fired. The SAF-200 is a modernized variant of the original SAF that has a foldable and retractable stock, Picatinny rails for attachments, and a new handguard. The original SAF is in service with Brazil, Chile, and El Salvador police and military units, while the SAF-200 is being tested (although not officially adopted by the Chilean Army).



  • The SAF-200 has the same range and comparable accuracy to the MP40, which means it can be used at a longer range than other SMGs and shotguns.
    • Use a 4x or higher scope to take advantage of this.
  • Because of the common 9mm ammunition, you can be more liberal with your ammo consumption.
    • The SAF-200 has the highest damage per magazine of any SMG, so it can be used to destroy some cover, although not as well as an assault rifle will.
    • This is not much of an advantage late-game, as most opponents will have better weapons.
  • As with other burst-fire weapons, you can hide behind cover and "peek" out to fire a burst or two at your opponent.
  • This weapon is often considered a weaker version of the M16A2.


  • The M16A2, also a burst-fire gun, is much more powerful than the SAF-200 and can easily counter it in all the same situations.
  • Use adrenaline to strafe your opponent and make them miss their bursts.
  • The SAF-200 has lower DPS than weapons such as other SMGs, assault rifles, and LMGs.
  • A higher-DPS weapon such a Micro Uzi or a shotgun, can easily dispatch a SAF-200 user at close range.
  • At medium range, the low DPS of the SAF-200 makes it ineffective against MP40 and assault rifles.
  • At long-range, weapons such as DMRs and accurate assault rifles like the MCX Spear will be very effective against an opponent with a SAF-200.


The SAF-200 is a very common gun, and can be found from Regular Crates, as ground loot, and readily found from AEGIS and Flint Crates.


  • The SAF-200 was the first SMG to be added to Suroi.
  • As a select fire gun, the SAF-200 can also fire semi-automatic or fully automatic.
  • The SAF-200 has the second highest bullet damage per bullet of any 9mm weapon in Suroi, after the VSS.
    • Despite having lower damage per bullet than the VSS, it has slightly more damage per magazine than the VSS due to the larger magazine size.


  • v0.22.2
    • Updated world image
    • Length increased to 6.25 (from 5.95)
  • v0.13.0
    • Fire delay increased to 75ms (from 50ms)
    • Burst delay decreased to 250ms (from 300ms)
  • v0.12.1
    • Recoil duration decreased to 300ms (from 750ms)
  • v0.12.0
    • Length increased to 5.9 (from 5.7)
    • Left fist moved to (95, -3) (from (90, 3))
    • Image x-offset increased to 71 (from 65)
    • Casing spawn x-offset decreased to 4 (from 5)
  • v0.11.0
    • Updated world image
    • Length decreased to 5.7 (from 8.7)
    • Left fist moved to (90, 3) (from (130, -6))
    • Right fist x-offset decreased to 40 (from 65)
    • Right fist z-index set to 4
    • Image x-offset decreased to 65 (from 80)
  • v0.10.0
    • Length decreased to 8.7 (from 9)
    • Added casing particles
  • v0.9.0
    • Damage decreased to 15.5 (from 16)
    • Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1 (from 1.2)
    • Range decreased to 130 (from 150)
    • Hand positions swapped
  • v0.8.0
    • Reload time decreased to 1.8s (from 2s)
    • Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1.2 (from 2)
    • Moving spread decreased to 4° (from 8°)
    • Standing spread set to 3°
    • Fire delay decreased to 50ms (from 65ms)
    • Move speed penalty set to 8%
    • Bullet speed decreased to 0.25 (from 0.35)
    • Burst cooldown decreased to 300ms (from 500ms)
    • Damage increased to 16 (from 14)
    • Range increased to 150 (from 80)
    • Image x-offset decreased to 80 (from 100)
  • v0.7.0
    • Damage increased to 14 (from 12)
  • v0.5.0
    • Ammo type set to 9mm
    • Ammo spawn amount set to 90
    • Magazine capacity decreased to 30 (from Infinity)
    • Reload time set to 2s
    • Decreased damage to 12 (from 15)
    • Fire delay decreased to 65ms (from 80ms)
  • v0.4.0
    • Added



Fire Mode
Ammo Type
Ammo icon for 9mm
30 in 1.8s
Firing Delay
Switch Delay
Speed Multiplier
Recoil Speed Multiplier
Recoil Duration
Burst Cooldown
Shots per Burst
3 shots
Move Spread
4° (+1.00°)


Bullet Speed
Obstacle Damage
Max. DPS
Max. Obstacle DPS





Advanced Stats

Internal ID
