MP40 Edit on GitHub
The MP 40 (Maschinenpistole 40), known in-game as the MP40, is a SMG utilizing 9mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.8.0 "Untrodden Lands" update on July 17th, 2023. It has decent DPS and very good accuracy for an SMG.
The MP 40 was designed by Heinrich Vollmer, taking inspiration from the MP 38. It was essentially a simplified version, using stamped steel instead of machined parts. Thus, it was cheap to produce and was used by the Axis powers as a paratrooper weapon as well as a sidearm for armored vehicles. The MP 40 itself was fairly reliable, but the 32-round magazines it came with often had feeding issues. After WW2, most MP 40s were captured and distributed by the Allies to developing countries.
- The MP40 is a useful early game against unarmored players or players with lower tier Armor. However, later in a round, it becomes less effective due to the lower DPS and better armors of other players. It is a good idea to replace the MP40 with an assault rifle such as the AK-47 or AUG.
- Try and get a 4x or 8x scope, as you can then take advantage of the MP40's good accuracy.
- The common 9mm ammunition is plentiful early-game, which makes the MP40 a decent pick.
- You can pair the MP40 with a shotgun for an effective early-game combo. Use the shotgun for close-range, and the MP40 for long-range or to finish off your opponent.
- Assault rifles, DMRs, and LMGs are all effective counters to the MP40, as they have higher damage and more DPS than the more common MP40.
- Shotguns work very well against an MP40 user at close range.
- Stay behind cover such as Rocks and Trees, as the MP40 has very low obstacle DPS and will burn up lots of ammo trying to destroy it.
- Despite many weapons being better than the MP40, don't underestimate it, as it is still deadly even late-game in the right hands.
The MP40 is an extremely common drop from Regular Crates as well as Flint/AEGIS Crates and is overall one of the most easily obtainable guns in the game.
- Prior to v0.9.0, the MP40 had a 30-round magazine.
- This is incorrect because the real-life MP40 uses 32-round magazines.
- v0.22.2
- Updated world image
- Length increased to 6.65 (from 6.5)
- Image moved to (76, 0) (from (83, -3))
- Casing spawn moved to (4.7, 0.4) (from (4, 0.4))
- v0.12.1
- Move speed penalty increased to 8% (from 7%)
- Length decreased to 6.55 (from 6.9)
- Image x-offset decreased to 76 (from 83)
- v0.11.0
- Updated world image
- Length decreased to 6.9 (from 10.1)
- Left fist moved to (103, -2) (from (140, -5))
- Right fist x-offset decreased to 40 (from 65)
- Right fist z-index set to 4
- Image moved to (83, -3) (from (100, 0))
- Casing spawn moved to (4, 0.6) (from (3.5, 0.5))
- v0.10.0
- Firing speed penalty increased to 25% (from 10%)
- Length increased to 10.1 (from 8)
- Added casing particles
- v0.9.0
- Magazine capacity increased to 32 (from 30)
- Hand positions swapped
- Ammo spawn amount increased to 96 (from 90)
- Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1 (from 1.25)
- Range increased to 130 (from 120)
- Damage decreased to 11 (from 12)
- v0.8.0
- Added