VSS Vintorez
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The Винто́вка Сна́йперская Специа́льная ("Special Sniper Rifle"), known in-game as the VSS Vintorez or simply the VSS, is a suppressed DMR utilizing 9mm ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.8.0 "Untrodden Lands" update on July 17th, 2023. It features a high rate of fire but less accuracy and damage than other DMRs.


The VSS was developed beginning in 1983 by TsNIITochMash, a then-Soviet industrial design bureau. Internally suppressed and firing the subsonic 9x39mm cartridge, it was intended for use in secret clandestine operations by Russian special forces. The VSS was mainly issued to Spetsnaz units, where the rifle's ability to be easily broken down for transport was very useful.



  • The VSS is extremely useful early-game against unarmored and lightly armored players.
    • It can still be used late-game against more armored players, but be careful as they might have more powerful weapons than you.
  • Click as fast as you can to get the most DPS out of the gun.
  • Although it doesn't have good accuracy for a DMR, it has better accuracy than most other weapons.
    • Use this to fight at long-range against opponents. The suppressed bullets are harder to see than normal bullets.
  • Use a 4x or 8x scope to see enemies from further away.


  • If you are at long-range, use a weapon like a sniper or a different DMR to beat the VSS user. The suppressed bullets are harder to aim at long range.
    • The Mini-14 is a good counter to the VSS as it has higher DPS and more range.
  • If you are at close range use a high-DPS weapon such as an SMG or shotgun to overpower the VSS user. Be careful against the also-high DPS of the VSS, however.
  • Use adrenaline to help you strafe your opponent and make them miss their shots.
  • Assault rifles like the AK-47 can also counter the VSS at medium range. High-DPS assault rifles like the MCX Spear and AUG work best for this.
  • One of the best defenses against a VSS user is indestructible cover such as Oil Tanks, Containers, and Buildings.
    • Don't try and hide behind cover such as Rocks and Trees. However, if there is no other cover, you can waste much of your opponent's magazine destroying said cover.


The VSS is most easily found in special loot such as AEGIS and Flint Crates. It also spawns in regular Airdrops. The VSS can also be rarely found from Regular Crates or as ground loot.


  • The VSS is one of 7 guns that were in surviv.io, the others being the AK-47, M1 Garand, USAS-12, DEagle, and Mosin-Nagant.
  • The romanized version of "Винто́вка Сна́йперская Специа́льная" is "Vintóvka Snáyperskaya Spetsiálnaya".
  • The VSS can fire fully automatically in real-life.
    • This is only used for emergencies as full-auto can damage the gun.
  • In Russian, TsNIITochMash is written as ЦНИИТОЧМАШ.
    • The name is an initialism for "Центральный научно-исследовательский институт точного машиностроения", or "Central Scientific - Research Institute for Precision Machine Engineering".
  • This is the first and only 9mm weapon that doesn't utilize the 9x19mm Parabellum round.
  • The VSS in-game most likely fires the armor-piercing SP6 variant of the 9x39mm cartridge.
    • It is also using the 20-round magazines from the AS VAL, as the real-life VSS comes with 10-round magazines.
  • The VSS is the first DMR and the first suppressed weapon in Suroi.
  • Out of all 9mm weapons, the VSS has the highest damage per bullet.


  • v0.16.0
    • Casing type set to 9x39mm
  • v0.12.1
    • Obstacle multiplier increased to 1.5 (from 1)
    • Damage decreased to 22 (from 24)
    • Recoil duration decreased to 140ms (from 500ms)
  • v0.11.0
    • World image updated
    • Length decreased to 6.9 (from 11.4)
    • Left fist moved to (110, -2) (from (130, -6))
    • Right fist x-offset decreased to 40 (from 65)
    • Right fist z-index set to 4
    • Image x-offset decreased to 80 (from 100)
    • Casing spawn x-offset decreased to 4 (from 5)
    • Tracer length increased to 1.5 (from 1.3)
  • v0.10.1
    • Obstacle multiplier decreased to 1 (from 1.5)
  • v0.10.0
    • Increased length to 11.4 (from 10)
    • Muzzle flash disabled
    • Added casing particles
    • Tracer opacity set to 0.5
  • v0.9.0
    • Hand positions swapped
    • Fire delay decreased to 140ms (from 175ms)
    • Move speed penalty increased to 8% (from 5%)
    • Standing spread increased to 2° (from 1°)
    • Moving spread increased to 3.5° (from 2°)
    • Damage increased to 24 (from 23)
    • Obstacle multiplier increased to 1.5 (from 1.3)
    • Bullet speed decreased to 0.22 (from 0.3)
    • Range decreased to 160 (from 180)
  • v0.8.0
    • Added

VSS Vintorez

Fire Mode
Ammo Type
Ammo icon for 9mm
20 in 2.15s
Firing Delay
Switch Delay
Speed Multiplier
Recoil Speed Multiplier
Recoil Duration
Move Spread
3.5° (+1.50°)


Bullet Speed
Obstacle Damage
Max. DPS
Max. Obstacle DPS





Advanced Stats

Internal ID

VSS Vintorez