DEagle Edit on GitHub
The Desert Eagle, known in-game as the DEagle, is a semi-automatic pistol utilizing the .50 Cal ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.19.0 "High Caliber Negotiations" update on September 22nd, 2024. The DEagle features high damage and a decent fire rate, but limited ammunition.
The Desert Eagle was designed by Magnum Research, Inc. and fires the largest center-fire cartridge of any magazine-fed self-loading pistol, the .50 Action Express. In order to achieve this, MRI designed a gas-operated ejection and chambering system, whereas most semi-automatic pistols use a blowback or short recoil system. The gas-operated design combined with the Desert Eagle's heavy weight, and holes to vent gases make it have less perceived recoil than other guns (e.g. revolvers) firing these large cartridges. The Desert Eagle has seen very limited use in a handful of tactical police units around the world, but is famous due to being featured in over 600 TV shows, movies, and video games.
- If you find a DEagle on the ground, but have no .50 Cal ammunition, it's best to leave it as finding more .50 Cal is uncertain.
- The DEagle has a very distinct bullet trail and sprite, which makes it easy to identify one at a distance. Try and keep it stowed away until confrontations to surprise your enemy.
- Be conservative with your ammunition usage, as you will have trouble finding more .50 Cal ammunition.
- Break Ammo Crates if you have a weapon that can break them such as the Maul or the Falchion. You may be able to find more .50 Cal ammunition.
- Potted Plants have a very small chance to drop .50 Cal ammo.
- With it's mediocre accuracy, the DEagle is ill-suited to long range combat. It is excellent in close/medium-range combat due to its high DPS.
- Dual DEagles have an even higher DPS and can quickly cause opponents to panic and hide from the rain of golden bullets.
- Pair the DEagle with a secondary high-DPS close/medium-range weapons such as SMGs like the Micro Uzi or Vector or shotguns like the Model 37 or Vepr-12. You can use this secondary weapon to quickly finish off opponents.
- Make sure to have cover nearby that you can retreat to when you need to reload the DEagle, as the long reload time (especially for the Dual DEagles) can leave you vulnerable.
- Strafe back and forth to make the DEagle user miss. This will waste their ammo, and you can attack while they reload.
- Hide behind indestructible cover such as Oil Tanks or Sandbags. The .50 Cal ammo that the DEagle uses is somewhat rare, so you may be able to make your opponent run out of it by wasting it.
- Stay at long-range with an accurate DMR (Mini-14, SR-25) or Assault Rifle (M16A2, MCX Spear). This will take advantage of the DEagle's poor long-range accuracy.
- Try using a high-DPS weapon such as a shotgun or SMG at close range against the DEagle user.
- Be careful, however, as there's a good chance they may have a secondary and the DEagle itself has a high-DPS as well. This is more effective with stronger Armor.
- Attack while the opponent is reloading, as the DEagle's long reload leaves them exposed (this mainly applies to opponents with Dual DEagles).
- The DEagle can only be found in Airdrops, or in the Golden AEGIS Case located in the Headquarters.
- The DEagle is the only gun in the game that is gold.
- The DEagle is one of 7 guns that were in, the others being the M1 Garand, VSS, USAS-12, AK-47, Vector, and Mosin-Nagant.