Vector Edit on GitHub
The KRISS Vector, known in-game as the Vector, is an SMG utilizing the 9mm ammunition. It features a high rate of fire and high DPS, as well as using very common ammo.
Then known as Transformational Defense Industries, the Vector was designed by KRISS USA in 2006. It has been officially produced since 2009. The standout feature of the Vector is a novel delayed blowback system that redirects the recoil to improve muzzle climb and reduce felt recoil. This leads to the Vector being very accurate compared to other weapons when fired automatically. The Vector has seen limited use worldwide, namely by the armies and national police of Bangladesh and Thailand and the national police of Panama.
- The Vector consumes a lot of ammo, so make sure to stockpile as much 9mm ammunition as you can. Try and find a Backpack if you don't have one already.
- You can use the Vector to ambush players by hiding in Buildings or in Bushes and attacking at close range.
- Because of the very fast reload time, you can simply reload your Vector and keep pressing your opponent.
- Keep an eye on your ammo reserves if you do this.
- To use this method, you must be very aggressive.
- The Vector pairs well with other CQC (Close Quarters Combat) weapons such as shotguns, and can even serve as a replacement.
- The Vector also pairs well with most weapons in general, as it provides accurate and high-DPS fire while using a common ammo type.
- With LMGs, you can use the LMG to whittle down an opponent's health and then use a Vector to finish them off.
- Don't pair the Vector with another 9mm weapon if possible, because you will run out of ammunition extremely quickly.
- Because the Vector uses so much ammo, you can get an opponent to waste ammunition by shooting at you while you hide behind cover. If you're lucky, they might even run out of ammo.
- Be careful about getting out in the open if your opponent has a Vector.
- If you do end up in the open, try strafing to get some of the bullets to miss you.
- The Vector has a very short reload time, so don't try and rush a Vector user while they are reloading as it will backfire on you.
- Try and keep your distance if you have a weapon that you know has a longer range than the Vector such as an assault rifle.
- While very powerful, the Vector does have a few counters:
The Vector can be found very rarely as world loot. However, the easiest way to acquire a Vector is to find one from a Briefcase at either the Oil Tanker or the Armory. It can also be found the in the Viking Chest. It also spawns in regular Airdrops.
- The Vector is one of 7 guns that were in, the others being the M1 Garand, VSS, USAS-12, AK-47, DEagle, and Mosin-Nagant.
- The in-game Vector is the first and so far only gun that is colored white.
- v0.22.2
- Updated world image
- Length decreased to 6.1 (from 7.2)
- Left fist moved to (100, -4) (from (85, -6))
- Image moved to (70, -1) (from (80, 0))
- v0.22.0
- Damage decreased to 9 (from 10)
- v0.20.0
- Added new sounds
- Damage increased to 10 (from 6.5)
- v0.16.0
- Casing spawn moved to (4.7, 0.3) (from (4.5, 0.6))
- v0.15.0
- Added