Mk-18 Mjölnir
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The S.W.O.R.D Defense Systems MK18 Semi-Automatic Advanced Sniper Rifle, known in-game as the Mk-18 Mjölnir or simply the Mk-18, is a DMR utilizing the .338 Lapua Magnum ammunition. It was added to the game in the v0.20.0 "Open Season" update on October 27th, 2024. The Mk-18 features very high damage and bullet velocity, similar to the L115A1.


The MK18 SA-ASR was designed as an anti-material rifle by S.W.O.R.D. Defense Systems in 2010, using a unique custom designed short-stroke gas piston system. It is more portable than many of its competitors while still offering performance closer to a heavier weapon. S.W.O.R.D. claims tht the MK18 can reliably engage targets beyond 1.609 kilometers (1 mile) depending on the ammunition.



  • Despite technically being a DMR, the Mk-18 can also be treated like a sniper depending on the circumstances. Many of the same strategies that apply to the L115A1 also apply to the Mk-18.
  • The Mk-18 only spawns with 20 rounds of .338 Lapua Magnum, so conserve your ammo and don't waste your shots.
  • Try and get your opponent to slow themselves down in some way because it makes hitting your shots easier.
    • You can do this when your opponent is in water, shooting, or using a Healing Item (or any combination).
    • The best target is a player who is standing still (you may want to conserve your ammo, though).
  • The Mk-18 works both close-range and long-range due to its very high DPS output.
    • Pair it with another high-damaging weapon, such as a sniper or a shotgun, to shred players.
  • Depending on the situation, quickswitching may be ideal with the Mk-18 due to the high recoil.
    • If a fight requires more maneuverability (such as against other DMRs where strafing your opponent is a good strategy), quickswitching can achieve this at the cost of damage output.
    • If you're sniping people from long-range who are oblivious, using the Mk-18 as a DMR will kill them faster due to the high DPS.
  • Be careful, as the unique bullet trail of .338 Lapua Magnum ammunition will give away what gun you have and might lead players to target you.
    • This can be useful for getting high kills if you are skilled enough.
  • If you find a Mk-18 but have little to no ammunition, it probably isn't worth picking up, since your chance of coming across more ammo are fairly low.
    • You could, however, try and use it to bait other players into an ambush.
  • Don't use the Mk-18 to try and destroy cover, as it wastes ammo.
    • However, if the opponent is near a Barrel or Super Barrel that is low on health and smoking, you can shoot it to do extra damage (though probably not as much as actually hitting them with the Mk-18).
  • Use LMGs such as the Stoner 63 to destroy cover at long range, and then pick off players with Mk-18.
    • You can also use assault rifles to weaken your opponent and then finish them off with the Mk-18.
  • By hiding in a Bush and camping, you can surprise your opponents and kill them before they can react.
  • If you ever run low on .338 Lapua Magnum ammo, you can break Ammo Crates using a Maul or other piercing Melee Weapon to get extra ammo.
  • If you can get the Infinite Ammo perk, this removes the headache about conserving ammunition and allows you more flexibility to spam and miss shots.


  • Use lots of adrenaline to move faster, strafe, and get the Mk-18 user to miss their bullets. This also wastes their ammunition.
  • You can use cover to pretend to move out and get your opponent to shoot, but then move back and have the shot miss you.
  • Although the Mk-18 does a lot of damage, it still isn't an instant kill, especially in the late game when you likely have high-tier Armor.
  • Watch out if you are at 8x or 15x range because the Mk-18 has a very fast bullet velocity.
  • The Mk-18 can be unwieldy in CQC (Close Quarters Combat) due to its long barrel. Try using a high DPS weapon like a SMG or a shotgun. Weapons with short barrels, like the Flues work best for this.
  • Snipers like the Tango 51, while not as high damaging as the Mk-18, can still pack quite a punch against an opponent (especially in dual form).
  • Powerful shotgun combos like dual Model 37s can sometimes overpower the Mk-18 at close-range.
  • The Mk-18 has a very long reload for a DMR, so take advantage of this while your opponent is reloading.
  • A Mk-18 user with Infinite Ammo requires a change in tactics.
    • Try and lure them into an enclosed space and overpower them with high DPS weapons.
    • Alternatively, use another high DPS weapon such as the MCX Spear or M1 Garand.


The Mk-18 can be most easily found in the Briefcase, located at the Armory. It can also be found very rarely in River Chests. Like the L115A1, the Mk-18 can be found in Gold Airdrops or by breaking Flint Stones.


  • In real life, the Mk-18 has a 10-round magazine. However, in Suroi it uses a custom 5-round magazine for gameplay balancing.
  • S.W.O.R.D.'s website does not mention the word "Mjölnir" when talking about this gun.


Mk-18 Mjölnir

Fire Mode
Ammo Type
Ammo icon for 338lap
5 in 3.8s
Firing Delay
Switch Delay
Speed Multiplier
Recoil Speed Multiplier
Recoil Duration
Move Spread
4° (+3.00°)


Bullet Speed
Obstacle Damage
Max. DPS
Max. Obstacle DPS





Advanced Stats

Internal ID

Mk-18 Mjölnir